Tours of Tahiti
by Lydia
Explore Tahiti's Rich Cultural Heritage

With Lydia
My name is Lydia FAATEREHIA and I am your guide.
From 3 days to 30 years

I was born in the UK and have a degree in Geology but after university I found myself in hotel sales. In 1993 I left to travel the world and after 4 months travelling in North America on a motorbike, I flew to Tahiti for a 3 day stay on my way across the Pacific .............. I'm still here!!
Today, I’ve spent over half my life on Tahiti. I arrived late at night November 3rd 1993: everyone who stays here remembers exactly when they first arrived! I started working for a campsite and one of my jobs was to do a tour of Tahiti every Tuesday, this was the start of my passion for Tahiti and these islands.
I've worked in tourism for many years, but somehow I always return to guiding.
One of my first memories is sitting in the back of a truck at 3 in the morning on the way to a campsite, there was this amazing perfume from the “Belle de Nuit” flower, it was just incredible.
The campsite were looking to replace their airport agent and though I didn’t speak French I asked for the job, thinking i would stay until Christmas and then move on.......but I never did!
I've been married to a Tahitian for 29 years, we have 2 adult children and 2 young grandchildren.
We also have 2 dogs and over 15 cats, several of whom just turned up at our house expecting to be fed! Not forgetting the wild chickens that are everywhere!